“Most people know very little about sickle cell disease (SCD) or sickle cell trait (SCT). They assume there is no difference between the two nor do they know that SCD and SCT are inherited (passed down from parent to child), that is why to is imperative that we continually educate the masses.”
Annie J. Ross – Womack, OSCHA Executive Director
Take Time, Know Your Status!
Take Time, Know Your Status, or #TTKYS – is the theme for the Ohio statewide campaign focused on raising awareness of sickle cell disease and sickle cell trait through the use of social media platforms.
Sickle cell disease is the most common genetic blood disease in the U.S. The message of “Take Time, Know Your Status” hones in on each individual’s personal responsibility to know if they carry the gene for sickle cell and the importance of getting TESTED!
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately three million people in the U.S. have sickle cell trait. Thousands more are unaware of their personal trait status. Individuals need to know if they carry the gene for sickle cell before having children. If both parents have sickle cell trait, there is a 25 percent (or 1 in 4) chance with each pregnancy that their child will have sickle cell disease. Sickle cell disease is a serious, life-long blood disease. Not knowing your sickle cell status, makes it difficult to inform adults of their risk of having a child with sickle cell disease. That is why it is so important to know your “sickle status.”
The #TTKYS campaign will target at-risk populations in the general public and teenagers and young adults who may be unaware of their sickle status. Social media platforms will allow for the message to reach a broader audience base and promote action and awareness of sickle cell. The campaign will also use the #TTKYS acronym as a logo to brand products (e.g., t-shirts, banners) for distribution to the target audience and sickle cell community partners.
For more information on the #TTKYS campaign, contact a State-Funded Regional Sickle Cell Project. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter.